Practical strategies to improve critical reasoning

When it comes to the ISAT, Critical Reasoning is a big aspect that the ACER and medical schools want to test. Approximately half of the 100 questions in the ISAT are critical reasoning (CR) questions and it is difficult to improve them quickly. So, besides doing more ISAT practice questions and ISAT mocks, what other strategies can you implement in daily life to improve this skill set?

Before we dive into the article, check out the tailor-made 1200Q ISAT question bank made by ISAT experts who scored in the 96th and 98th percentile:

First we need to examine what Critical Reasoning (CR) is.

Critical thinking is the process of analysing information and using reason to form judgments or decisions. One key question type in CR is Logical deductions, which are the conclusions that we draw based on the evidence that we have analysed. Critical thinking and logical deductions are important skills that can be used in many different areas of life, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and evaluating arguments. In this article, we will discuss strategies that can help improve critical thinking and making logical deductions.

Develop a questioning mindset

One of the most important strategies for improving critical thinking is to develop a questioning mindset. This involves asking questions about the information that you are analyzing, and being open to different perspectives and viewpoints. When analyzing information, ask questions such as: What evidence supports this claim? Are there any flaws in this argument? What assumptions are being made? By asking these types of questions, you can gain a deeper understanding of the information that you are analyzing and make more informed decisions.

Identify and evaluate biases

Another important strategy for improving critical thinking is to identify and evaluate biases. Biases can affect the way that we interpret information and make decisions. It is important to be aware of our own biases, as well as the biases of others. When analyzing information, ask questions such as: What biases might be affecting the way that I am interpreting this information? Are there any biases present in the arguments being made? By identifying and evaluating biases, you can make more objective and informed decisions.

Consider alternative viewpoints

To improve critical thinking, it is important to consider alternative viewpoints. This involves considering different perspectives and viewpoints, and being open to new ideas and information. When analyzing information, ask questions such as: What are the different perspectives on this issue? Are there any alternative explanations for the evidence that has been presented? By considering alternative viewpoints, you can gain a deeper understanding of the information that you are analyzing and make more informed decisions.

Evaluate evidence

Evaluating evidence is a key aspect of critical thinking. When analyzing information, it is important to evaluate the quality and reliability of the evidence that has been presented. Consider questions such as: What is the source of the evidence? Is the evidence based on reliable data or research? Is there any conflicting evidence? By evaluating evidence, you can make more informed decisions and draw more accurate conclusions.

Practice logical reasoning

Logical reasoning is the process of drawing conclusions based on evidence and facts. To improve your ability to make logical deductions, it is important to practice logical reasoning. This can involve completing exercises and puzzles, or taking courses that focus on critical thinking and problem-solving. By developing your logical reasoning skills, you can make more informed decisions and draw more accurate conclusions.

Avoid emotional reasoning

Emotional reasoning involves basing decisions on emotions or feelings, rather than evidence and reason. To improve critical thinking and make logical deductions, it is important to avoid emotional reasoning. Instead, rely on evidence, facts, and logical reasoning to support your claims. By avoiding emotional reasoning, you can make more informed decisions that are grounded in logic and evidence.

Practice self-reflection

Practicing self-reflection can also help improve critical thinking and make logical deductions. By reflecting on your own thinking processes and biases, you can become more aware of your own limitations and improve your ability to reason critically. Ask questions such as: What biases am I bringing to this decision? Have I considered all the relevant factors? By reflecting on your own decision-making processes, you can learn from your mistakes and make more informed decisions in the future.

By completing practice questions and following the above strategies in everyday life, you can gradually improve your critical reasoning ability and hopefully score better in the ISAT.

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