What is ISAT?

If you are applying to Australian medical schools as international students, you are probably familiar with the ISAT that some universities require applicants to sit. But what is it exactly?

ISAT, or International Student Admission Test, is a 3-hour online multiple choice test that is designed to assess student’s critical reasoning (CR) and quantitative reasoning (QR) abilities. It is designed for international students applying to medicine, dentistry, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy courses at a selection of universities in Australia and Ireland.

ISAT is a mandatory requirement for international applicants to the following courses:

What qualities does ISAT assess?

The purpose of ISAT is not so much to test your knowledge of specific academic subjects, as to assess your ability to understand and analyse material you will be given. ISAT questions typically require candidates to read and think about a passage of writing, to interpret graphical displays of information, to use mathematical relationships and to reason about tables of data. All the information required to answer questions is contained in the stimulus material.

What is the structure of ISAT?

The ISAT test is a 3 hour computer-based multiple choice test. The test is presented in units, with stimulus material followed by questions. There are 100 questions with 4 or 5 answers from which the candidate is asked to choose the most appropriate response. There is only one correct answer, with no marks deducted for incorrect answers. ISAT is not a test of subject specific knowledge. Rather, it aims to assess a candidate’s ‘critical’ and ‘quantitative’ reasoning skills.

  • ‘Critical Reasoning’ (CR) – involves comprehending and analysing information; understanding, applying and extending ideas; drawing appropriate conclusions; and evaluating arguments. These questions use material from the humanities and social sciences.
  • ‘Quantitative Reasoning’ (QR) – involves analysis and application of information; drawing conclusions and making decisions; and solving problems. These questions use material from the mathematics and sciences.

There will be no indication for the type of question being presented (i.e. QR or CR), thus it is vital for candidates to first identify the question type then apply the specific strategies to approach this question.

Medict provides personalised 1-on-1 ISAT tutoring and group lessons (MasterClass) that help you to find the best strategies to quickly and accurately solve different types of questions! To find out more, please visit our ISAT page: https://medict.com.au/isat/.

All of our tutors are ISAT high achievers in the past (98th, 96th and 91st percentile) and have been teaching for more than 3 years, so we know how to improve with first hand experience! You can speak to an ISAT specialist today!

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